We want to serve others in our world, and provide opportunities for yarn lovers to share!

blanket squares

We are collect blanket squares to make a blanket to give away. .

We will acccept 7″ x 9″   blanket squares, so why not bring a few along when you visit Nashville next!

Click for more information and patterns:  Blanket Club

1898 hat

Since 1898 The Seamen’s Church has knitted hats for mariners at sea during the holidays.  We will collect the 1898 Hats and ship them to the Seamen’s Church to be distributed at Christmas.  Click here for the pattern download:  1898 hat

knitted knockers

So many women we know and love have had experiences with breast cancer.  One way we can give to these women is to knit knockers.  Stop by and pick up a skein of Bamboo Pop (which is an accepted yarn for this project, then next time you come in, you can bring your knitted knockers in and we will see that they get to a cancer center.  There are knit and crochet patterns as well as a lot of information at the knitted knocker website.

red hats for babies

The American Heart Association annually collects hats for babies (given to newborns in February).  Patterns are available on American Heart Association site, and we have several yarns that can be used.  We will always take your donations and give them to the AHA.