I love to know the story/history of beautiful things especially if they are fiber related!  

Selbu is the name of a town of about 4000 inhabitants in the county of South Trondolag, Norway.  And, it is the home of the Iconic Selbu Mittens!

As the story goes, a young girl, named Marit Gouldsetbru Emstad—there is some confusion on her actual age somewhere between 11-16 years old.  As was the custom, she and her siblings were in the highlands during the summer taking care of the sheep.  She wanted to make something using both the black and white wool of their sheep. So, she knit the first pair of “Selbu” mittens.   She and her sisters wore the mittens to church during the winter, and the craze began.  

The small town of Selbu (previously known since the 1600s  for their Millstone made from the local stone) had a new industry.  By the 1920’s the people of Selbu were knitting 1000s and 1000s of mittens and sending them all over the world.  Some people made 8-10 pairs each day!  

This industry provided women with a way to earn their own money—it also played an important role in Women’s Independence.  In Selbu it was a popular way to make a living.  The industry peaked in the 1930 and 40s when there were 3000 people whose main source of income was knitting.

During World War 2 in Norway wearing Selbu mittens was a considered a sign of the resistance against the Nazis!

There were some strict rules….
1.  There was one pattern on the outside—usually 2 eight pointed stars, known as the “Selbu Rose”. 
2.  A different, usually simpler pattern on the palm.  With a “Stolpe” (pole that goes around the sides of the mittens)—i have been calling them “columns”.
3.  Traditionally all the men’s mittens have patterns on the cuffs, and the women’s had some variation of stripes on the cuffs.

We are READY to knit the mittens!  

Click Here to watch the Selbu Mitten Video

Click here to Purchase a Color County Selbu Mitten Kit
(will make a pair of women’s Medium or Large Mittens.